\version "2.16.1" #(set-global-staff-size 20) \header { title = "Air" subtitle = "from the Aylesford Pieces" composer = "Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)" meter = "Allegretto" mutopiatitle = "Air" mutopiacomposer = "HandelGF" mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord, Piano" date = "18th Century" source = "Edition Schott 1930" style = "Baroque" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Bas Wassink" maintainerEmail = "basvanlola@hotmail.com" footer = "Mutopia-2013/02/21-162" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \concat { \teeny www. \normalsize MutopiaProject \teeny .org } \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \concat { \teeny www. \normalsize LilyPond \teeny .org }} by \concat { \maintainer . } \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details \concat { see: \hspace #0.3 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } } Global = {\key bes\major \time 3/8} MDI = \relative c''' { \repeat volta 2 { bes8-. a16 g f es d4 es8 f-. es16 d c bes a4 bes8 c16 bes c d es c d4 d8 g-. d16 e f d e4 g8 c-. g16 a bes g a8 c,-. f-. 16 a' 8. f'16 4. } \repeat volta 2 { f'8-. e16 d c bes a4 bes8 c16 bes c d es! c d4. bes'8-. a16 g fis e d8 g-. <<{bes16 a a8. g16} \\ {g8 fis8. g16}>> g4. g'16 f es d c bes a4 c8 f d16 es f d g4 a8 bes16 a g f es d g f es d c bes 8 8. bes'16 } \alternative { {4.} {4.} } \bar "|." } MSI = \relative c { \repeat volta 2 { bes4. bes'8-. a16 g f es d4 es8 f8-. es16 d c bes a4 f'8 bes d16 c bes a g4 g8 c-. g16 a bes g a8-. bes c f e-. d-. bes c-. c,-. f-. a-. f-. } \repeat volta 2 { f,4. f'8-. e16 d c bes a4 f'8 bes-. d16 c bes a g4 c8-. bes4 a8-. g-. d'-. d,-. g-. bes16 a g f es8-. c-. es-. f-. a16 g f es d8 bes-. d-. es-. es'16 d c8-. d-. bes-. d, es f-. g-. es-. f-. f,-. } \alternative { {bes,-. d-. f-.} {4.} } } \score { { \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord" \new Staff = "up" << \Global \clef treble \MDI >> \new Staff = "down" << \Global \clef bass \MSI >> >> } \midi { \tempo 4 = 108 } \layout {} } %{ Revision-history: 2002/jan/11 : moved volta-brackets up so they don't collide with the fermata. %}