#(set-global-staff-size 20) \header { title = "Sinfonia 13" composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach" opus = "BWV 799" mutopiatitle = "Sinfonia 13" mutopiacomposer = "BachJS" mutopiaopus = "BWV 799" mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord, Piano" style = "Baroque" source = "Unknown" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Olivier Vermersch" maintainerEmail = "olivier.vermersch (at) wanadoo.fr" lastupdated = "07/March/2002" footer = "Mutopia-2008/06/15-206" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } \version "2.11.46" % % a few macros for fine tuning % % force direction of tie tu = \tieUp td = \tieDown tb = \tieNeutral % explicit staff change su = { \change Staff = up} sd = { \change Staff = down} % force number of beams on left and right of the note lbeamoff = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 0 lbeamone = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 1 lbeamtwo = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 2 lbeamthree = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 3 lbeamfour = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 4 lbeamfive = \set stemLeftBeamCount = # 5 rbeamoff = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 0 rbeamone = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 1 rbeamtwo = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 2 rbeamthree = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 3 rbeamfour = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 4 rbeamfive = \set stemRightBeamCount = # 5 % tuning the grace notes grstem = \override Grace.Stem #'stroke-style = #'() % typeset on/off typeskip = \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t typenoskip = \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f melone = \relative c'' { % bars 1-6 a4 b8 | c4 d8 | c8 b4\prall | a16 b c d e fis | g fis g a b c | b a g fis e dis | % bars 7-12 e[ fis] dis8.[ e16] | e4 g8 ~ | g16 bes a g f! e | f4. ~ | f16 f e d c b | c d c b a gis | % bars 13-18 a4. ~ | a8. \lbeamone \rbeamtwo b16 \lbeamtwo c d | \stemDown e f e d c b \stemUp | c4. | b | a16 g a b c d | % bars 19-24 e f g a b c | f, a g f e d | e8 c d | e4 f8 | e8 d4 | c16 g a b c d | % bars 25-30 e4 f8 | g4 a8 | g8 f4 | e4. ~ | e8 d e | f4 g8 | % bars 31-36 f8 e4 | d16 a b! cis d e | f4 g8 | a4 bes8 | a g4\prall | f16 a32 g f16 a e a | % bars 37-41 f4. ~ | f16 g32 f e16 g d g | e4. ~ | e16 d32 c b16 d a d | b \rbeamtwo b \lbeamtwo \rbeamone d g8 fis16 | % bars 42-47 g16 \rbeamtwo d \lbeamtwo \rbeamone b g8 fis16 | g d e d e fis | g d' c b c d | b8 c d | g, a b | c4 b8 ~ | % bars 48-53 b16 a8 a gis16 | \stemDown a \rbeamtwo c \lbeamtwo \rbeamone e a8 gis16 | a \rbeamtwo e \lbeamtwo \rbeamone c a8 gis16 | a c e a gis b | e,8 a, b | \stemUp c4 d8 | % bars 54-58 e4 f8 | e8 d4 | c8 e4 ~ | e8 d4 ~ | d16 e32 d c16 e b e | % bars 59-64 a, d32 c b16 d a d | gis,8 a b | c4 d8 | c8 b4 ~ | b8 a' gis | a4. \bar "|." } meltwo = \relative c' { % bars 1-6 r4. | r4. | r4. | r4. | e4 fis8 | g4 a8 | % bars 7-12 g fis4_\prall | e16 fis g a b cis | d4. ~ | d16 e d c b! a | gis4. | a16 f e d c b | % bars 13-18 c b c d e f | e d c \sd \stemUp b a gis | a b gis4\prall | a8 \su \stemDown e' a ~ | a d, g ~ | g f16 g a b | % bars 19-24 c8 e,16 f g a | b8 a b | c e, f | g4 a8 | g8 f4 | e8 r r | % bars 25-30 r c' d | e4 f8 | e8 d4 ~ | d16 d c bes a g | f8 a4 ~ | a8 a cis | % bars 31-36 d4 cis8 | d8 r r | r d e | f4 g8 | f e4 ~ | e8 d cis | % bars 37-41 d16 d32 c! b16 d a d | g,8 c b | c16 c32 b a16 c g c | fis,8 g fis | g4 r8 | % bars 42-47 r g, a | b4 c8 | b a4 ~ | a16 g a g a b | c g' f e f g | e8 d4 | % bars 48-53 c8 \sd \stemUp b b | e, a b | c4 d8 | c b4 ~ | b16 e, fis gis a gis | a \rbeamtwo c \su \stemDown \lbeamtwo \rbeamone e a8 gis16 | % bars 54-58 a \rbeamtwo e \sd \stemUp \lbeamtwo \rbeamone c a8 gis16 | a c \su \stemDown e a gis a | a, c'32 b a16 c g! c | fis, b32 a gis16 b fis b | e,4. ~ | % bars 59-64 e8 d4 ~ | d16 e32 d c16 e b e | a,8 a' gis | a8 d,4 ~ | d16 e'32 d c16 e b e | cis4. \bar "|." } melthree = \relative c { % bars 1-6 a8 a' gis | a e f | \stemUp d e e, \stemDown | a a'16 b c a | e'8 e, dis' | e b c | % bars 7-12 a b b, | e4 r8 | r4. | r4. | r4. | r4. | % bars 13-18 \stemUp a,4 b8 \stemDown | c4 d8 | c8 b4 | a16 b c d e fis | g a b c d e | f4. | % bars 19-24 e | d | c,16 \rbeamtwo e \lbeamtwo \rbeamone g c8 b16 | c \rbeamtwo g \lbeamtwo \rbeamone e c8 b16 | c e g c b c | c,8 c' b \clef G \stemUp | % bars 25-30 a16 a' g f e d | c \rbeamtwo e \lbeamtwo \rbeamone g c8 b16 | c c, c' b a b | c8 c, cis | d16 g f e d cis \clef F \stemDown | d e d c! bes a | % bars 31-36 g f g bes a g | f g f e d cis | d \rbeamtwo f \lbeamtwo \rbeamone a d8 cis16 | d \rbeamtwo a \lbeamtwo \rbeamone f d8 cis16 | d f a d cis d | d,8 f a | % bars 37-41 d,16 f32 e d16 f c f | b,8 c g' | c16 e32 d c16 e b e | a,8 b d | \stemUp g, g, a | % bars 42-47 b4 c8 | b8 a4 | \stemDown g8 g' fis | g4 f!8 | e4 d8 | c16 e fis e fis gis | % bars 48-53 a e d c d e | c4 e8 | a g! f | e4 d8 | c4 b8 | a4 b8 | % bars 54-58 c4 d8 | c8 b4 | \stemUp a8 c a | d b a | gis a g | % bars 59-64 fis f f' | \stemDown e4. ~ | e16 e32 d c16 e b e | a, b'32 a gis16 b e, gis | c,8 d e | \stemUp a,4. \bar "|." } \score { \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = "up" << \time 3/8 \key a \minor \clef G \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne \melone } \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo \meltwo }>> \context Staff = "down" << \time 3/8 \key a \minor \clef F \melthree>> >> \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 55 4) } } \layout {} }